The most welcoming
I had the opportunity to spend 5 weeks in Mexico City and attend SAGRADO CORAZON. A memorable experience! At first, I thought it was going to be hard for me to communicate, since I have had Spanish for only one year. Surprisingly I caught on quickly and did not only improve my Spanish vocabulary and pronunciation but also broadened my knowledge about Mexican culture. I am very thankful for the people around me, who were trying to get me involved in their everyday life as good as possible.
There, school stars at 7am and ends at 2pm every day! In my opinion that was rather monotone, but the people in school and the informative lessons made the time shorter. After school we mostly met up with friends and grabbed some food on our way home. Everyday except for Mondays I had dinner with all the cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles of my host family. Even though they spoke very little English they were trying to get me talking with them. I really got on well with them.
This has been one of the best experiences ever, and I recommend it to everyone. Especially for the ones who attend Spanish at school, this is a great opportunity to freshen up your vocabulary! It was fun trying out and practicing my Spanish for the first time in a real-life conversation, too.
You don’t learn just a language, you learn about other life-styles, about other people, and you grow as a person. I am glad that I made many friends and a second home throughout my trip.
All in all it was a unique and unforgettable experience and Mexico City is now a place where I know that I can return to anytime and be welcomed.
Thank you for giving me this great opportunity!